Photo collection from the snowfall at Kifissia, Northern Athens during the Winter 2008 (February 16, 17). Photos taken from me. Click on each image to enlarge. |
Saturday, Feb 16 2008
This time the snow adventure began early the Saturday afternoon with slight snowfall and tiny snow cover only on grass, leaves, bushes, cars and other ‘sensitive’ surfaces... | |
Later in the night the snowfall increased considerably and snow cover started on all surfaces... |
Sunday, Feb 17 2008
Around 03:00 – 04:00 in the morning the snowfall changed to heavy blowing – drifting snow with strong North winds and bellow zero temperatures (-2oC)...
Early before the dawn, the sky and the snow had these splendid romantic colours... |
Early Sunday morning. A few minutes before… |
and.. after… sunrise ??? |
WATCH your steps!!! |
My 'Frozen Lake'...
The streets outside and around home... |
The local municipality authorities tried and clean the streets from the snow...
The local school...
Roughly in 15:30 Sunday afternoon, the snowfall began again more powerful than before…! |
The Sunday afternoon passed and the night came again with the splendid and magic sky and snow colours... |
Monday, Feb 18 2008
The firs love the snow...
Dangerous ‘swords’ above our heads..! Some are longer than 1 meter..!
The snow, during the winter, is the most splendid situation when it happens...
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